Gigi's Health
This website documents Gigi's Journey from Illness to Health
Exhibit A
Excerpt of Conversation Between Deborah and Kaiser 09/08/2022
Exhibit B
Video shows how I struggled to breathe.
(23 min.)
Exhibit B1
Struggling to breathe.
(1 min.)
Exhibit B2
Struggling to breath the stomach acid has reached my vocal cords.
(2 min.)
Exhibit C
Shows how the contents of my stomach was flowing into my esohagus.
Exhibit D
Shows swelling before surgery.
Exhibit E
Shows normal after surgery.
Exhibit F
Before Surgery
Overall body swelling. I carried about 30 pounds in water weight.
Exhibit G
After Surgery
Normal size.
Exhibit H
Kaiser Travel Site that I referenced before going out of network.
(Click to Enlarge)
Exhibit I
Kaiser Travel Site that I referenced before going out of network.
(Click to Enlarge)
Exhibit K
Sticky, thick mucus pulled out of throat
Exhibit L
Vomited stomach bile.
Exhibit M
Vomited stomach bile.
Exhibit N
Coughed up tissue.